SAF 44 kin to file homicide raps vs. Citizen Noynoy on Friday

A criminal complaint will welcome former President Benigno Aquino III a day after turning over his post to his successor Rodrigo Duterte.

Relatives of the elite policemen from the Special Action Force (SAF) killed in the January 25, 2015 Mamasapano clash will file a multiple homicide complaint against Aquino, former Police Director General Allan Purisima, and former SAF Director Getulio Napenas.


The families of the SAF 44 will be assisted during the filing by the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption.

According to lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, the families and the VACC would be filing the complaint on July 1, at 10 a.m., just a day after Aquino's six-year immunity from suit expired with the assumption of Duterte on Thursday.
The Mamasapano clash killed more than 60 people, including 44 members of the Philippine National Police Special Action Force, 18 Moro Islamic Liberation Front members, and five civilians. The clash happened while government forces were trying to capture international terrorists in the area.

In April last year, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the National Prosecution Service (NPS) recommended criminal charges against 90 members of the MILF, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, and private armed groups said to be behind the encounter.

The Department of Justice then conducted a preliminary investigation but has yet to resolve the complaints.


The Philippine National Police Board of Inquiry report had already found that Aquino bypassed the chain of command leading to the clash.

The Senate report meanwhile branded the killing of the 44 elite policemen carrying out Oplan Exodus as a massacre. The Senate found that the MILF, the BIFF, and other armed groups murdered and robbed the PNP SAF personnel.

The Senate recommended that charges of murder, frustrated murder and robbery be filed against those responsible for the massacre.

Meanwhile, in its report, the MILF Special Investigative Commission found no liability among its fighters for the deaths of the police commandos.


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SAF 44 kin to file homicide raps vs. Citizen Noynoy on Friday SAF 44 kin to file homicide raps vs. Citizen Noynoy on Friday Reviewed by Breaking News on 4:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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